Sunday, February 24, 2013

Aupa Racing!

Went to my first ever pro-european futbol game last night! It was the 100th year celebration of the local club here in Santander. The name of the club is Aupa Racing; and my madre told me that back in the day they used to be like number one here in Spain. Obviously, it wasn't like going to watch Real vs. Barça or anything, but it was still really fun! We had great seats, so close to the field and they were only 20 euro. It also snowed off and on throughout the game, so that made it more fun as well. There was a section in the crowd that was just packed full of people and cheering fans. They had so many songs and chants, and they did not stop cheering/yelling for the entire game, it was so great to listen and watch them. 

Besides the game, I've been pretty lazy this weekend. The weather hasn't been very pretty and it's been really cold so I've been enjoying my time watching the news and some movies with my madre and abuela. I love just hanging out with them and being lazy. 

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